$ 134.95
Miso Master Organic Traditional Red Miso is the best-selling miso because it combines the health benefits of long-term aging with a sweeter, lighter taste than other long-term varieties. It is aged naturally without temperature control for 12 months in four-ton, hand-crafted Cypress, Redwood, or Fir barrels. The high soybean content in relation to the rice koji makes it necessary to age this variety through four full seasons because soybeans are more difficult to ferment, with their high protein and fat content, than the high-carbohydrate grains. This gives the aspergillus spores and lactobacillus bacteria sufficient time to completely break down the complex protein and fat molecules into their more digestible constituents. 15 Pound Bucket = 680 Servings!
Ingredients: Organic whole soybeans, organic handmade rice koji, sun-dried sea salt, Blue Ridge Mountain well water, koji spores.
$ 49.15
Bragg Liquid Aminos is a Certified NON-GMO liquid protein concentrate, derived from soybeans, that contains...
$ 8.95
Butler Chik-Style Seasoning™ was developed as a delicious way to season Soy Curls™ and is...
$ 9.50
Eleni's Kitchen Kulet - Ethiopian Red Pepper Sauce - Sautéed/Simmered sauce (called Kulet in Ethiopia)...